Sunday, August 2, 2009

Kyle & Jackie O

I've been meaning to get back into this blogging thing and I've had lots of ideas of things to write about, but I just haven't had the time. Normally its the other way round. I have lots of dead time to kill, but can't think of anything to write about. Either way, I have a few posts ready, but I thought I would hit this one first because its "topical".

If you aren't aware, Kyle & Jackie O have a breakfast show on commercial radio in Australia. I don't listen to it and don't really know much about it, except that in all their advertising (billboards, TV etc) that I DO see, they both seem like total douches. So my opinion is probably already biased against them, but I think that even if I could be completely objective and impartial, I would conclude that they ARE total douches.

Here's what happened:

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

What a freaking awesome idea!

So it seems that I just can’t get enough of this blogging at the moment. What I wanted to talk about is something I heard on a TV show last week. The thing is, the show in question has a host that I previously thought was a bit of a prat … but I think I’m beginning to be able to tolerate him and at times, might even like him.

I’m talking about Wil Anderson and his show The Gruen Transfer. Check it out on ABC1 on Wednesday nights at 9am.

ANYWAYS, what caught my attention on last week’s show was the innovative way the New York Department of Education is trying to improve school attendance, student behaviour and class performance.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Best music of this century

Well. It has certainly been a long time between my 2nd and 3rd blogs. But I’ve been inspired by my good friend Gilbert, who is planning to start blogging about cars. I know nothing about cars, but I still really enjoyed reading his drafts for his blog, so he must be good.

Anyways, I’ve been thinking that since this decade is winding up, what things have really happened since the turn of the century? Obviously there was the 911 attacks, the war on terror, Obama-fever, getting married, Brisbane Lions 3-peat …. but what I’ve been really thinking about is pop culture.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Warner Music

Warner Music really sucks a lot of balls.

I just read an article about how they were in contract negotiations with Youtube about payment for people watching clips on Youtube that had music from artists on Warner (or one of Warner’s subsidiaries). The contract negotiations failed, so Warner Music demanded that any clip with Warner Music had to be either deleted or muted.

Some of the videos that got deleted include:
- a baby dancing to a Prince song
- someone playing piano to and singing “Winter Wonderland”
- Death Cab For Cutie’s official film clips
- Led FREAKING Zeppelin’s official clips

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


This is my first proper blog post. Its going to be a pretty boring one, because I'm at work and all I really wanted to say was welcome to my blog. Its going to be a fairly random experience for everyone. I already know some of the topics I want to blog about (ie music, Wes Anderson films, Leon Trotsky, American customer service) and none of them are particularly related in any way.

My idea is to post a new blog every Monday, but I'm sure that will continue for about 2 weeks before I start getting lazy and do it whenever I feel like it.

Hope you enjoy this as much as I undoubtedly will.

Warm regards,

MC Bad Genius